Professor ZHU,Xianghui
Distinguished Professor, PhD Advisor
Research interests: Area Studies, Southeast Asian International Studies, Myanmar (Burma) Study.
Personal profile
He received his Ph.D. in the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University. Currently he is distinguished professor at Shenzhen University. He has done extensive research in area studies, Southeast Asian International Studies, Myanmar (Burma) Study for more than 30 years, and led a high-profile research project, a key research project, a general research project supported by the National Social Sciences Foundation, as well as a general research project supported by the Ministry of Education. He has published 10 books, including monograph, compilation and translation, and more than 50 papers. He was in Nanyang University, ISEAS as visiting scholar in Singapore, and the George Washington University as Fulbright fellow in the US. He taught at the School of International Studies, Yunnan University, and worked at the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, CNPC Southeast Asian Pipeline Company. His representative achievements include monograph Frontier Ethnic Minorities and the Making of the Modern Union of Myanmar, and paper China’s Southeast Asian History research from the perspective of Area Studies. He lectured Area Studies Research, and won the provincial award of excellent postgraduate course, as well as the talent cultivation award of China’s universities Area Case studies.