Verse Version, a professional platform for worldwide communication of English and Chinese poetry, founded by Zhang Guangkui who is a scholar and poet, is a nonprofit quarterly journal publishing English and Chinese poetry with corresponding translations, as well as poetics and papers. As a comprehensive journal composed of both literary and academic elements, it pursues appropriate introduction and translation of English and Chinese poetry and aims to encourage studies relevant to poetry and poetics. The journal is registered with Print ISSN 2051-526X/Online ISSN 2399-9705 in theUnited Kingdom, published by LEOMAN PUBLISHING CO., LTD.

(Print ISSN 2051-526X; Online ISSN 2399-9705.Published by Leoman Publishing Co.)
Please visit here for the published papers

About Contributions
The journal welcomes manuscripts from all over the world. The manuscripts and versions should be authorized and submitted by the original writer/translator or the agent of the writer/translator (labels from authorized sources are required). Any responsibility related to copyright disputes should be undertaken by the author/translator. Please send your contributions to, . The original and translation should be sent in the form of Microsoft Word in the following order—a brief introduction of the author, a brief introduction of the translator, original poem, the original source of the material, and translation. The postal address, email address and telephone number are necessary too. Contributions sent in wrong formats will not be accepted. The right is reserved by our editors to make appropriate revision for translation. For the lack of financial sponsors, no royalty will be paid, and if paper publications are wanted, you are expected to pay the basic costs.
Adviser: Ou Hong (Sun Yat-sen University)
Chief Editor: Zhang Guangkui (Shenzhen University)
Editorial Board:
John Wilkinson (University of Chicago, USA)
Yunte Huang (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Ding Ting (Cambridge University, UK)
Bing Zhang (University of Western Australia, AU)
Lin Funa, (poet, critic, China)
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