Distinguished Professor TAN Zaixi, Distinguished Professor CAI Xinle, Professor LI Xiaojun, Professor ZHANG Jiliang, Professor WANG Hui, Professor CHEN Dongcheng, Associate Professor XIN Guangqin, Dr. Audrey HEIJINS, Dr. WANG Ying, Dr. SHANG Xiaoqi, Dr. LIi Xueyi, Dr. GAO Min

DistinguishedProfessor TAN, Zaixi
Ph.D. (The University of Exeter, UK)
Areas of Expertise: translation studies; culture studies
Email: thtanzx@szu.edu.cn

DistinguishedProfessor CAI, Xinle
Ph.D. (Sun Yat-sen University)
Areas of Expertise: translation theories, translation philosophy
Email: xinlecai@163.com

Professor LI, Xiaojun
Ph.D. (Fudan University)
Areas of Expertise: English literature; comparative literature; translation studies
Email: xjli99@163.com

Professor ZHANG, Jiliang
Ph.D. (Shanghai International Studies University)
Areas of Expertise: interpretation theory; conference interpretation theory and teaching
Email: zhangjiliang650@sina.com

Professor WANG, Hui
Ph.D. (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Areas of Expertise: translation studies
Email: wanghui@szu.edu.cn

Professor CHEN, Dongcheng
Areas of Expertise: yi-translatology; advertising translation studies
Email: dcchen@szu.edu.cn

Dr XIN,Guangqin
Associate professor, Ph.D. (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Areas of Expertise: translation practice and theory;translation theories and philosophies
Email: xinguangqin@163.com

Dr HEIJNS, Audrey
Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Areas of Expertise: translation in late Qing dynasty; bilingual dictionary
Email: ajheijns@gmail.com

Dr WANG, Ying
Lecturer, Ph.D. (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
Areas of Expertise: interpreting education
Email: 41114931 @qq.com

Dr SHANG, Xiaoqi
Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Shanghai International Studies University)
Areas of Expertise: Translation and Interpreting(T&I) testing and assessment
Email: shang_xq@126.com

Dr LI, Xueyi
Research Fellow, Ph.D. (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Areas of Expertise: translation of children’s literature; picturebooks in translation
Email: xue-e@szu.edu.cn

Dr GAO, Min
Lecturer, Ph.D. (The State University of New York at Binghamton)
Areas of Expertise: translation and culture; translation and sociology; literature and translation
Email: sallygao34@qq.com